When tests revealed that Stevens was not the best match, doctors agreed to let her give her kidney to someone in Missouri, which gave Brucia a higher place on the organ donor list. 当测试显示史蒂文斯的肾不是最佳匹配时,医生同意让她将肾捐给密苏里州的另一个人,这让布鲁西亚在器官捐赠名单上可以更靠前。
An organ donor's organs are responsible for the deaths of several patients, and the team work to save the last two recipients. 一个人捐献的器官引起了多个病人死亡,豪斯小组的任务是拯救最后两名患者。
Erin Taylor, 30, a nurse in Edmonton, Canada, was inspired by a story line in the drama to sign up to a national organ donor programme in a move that resulted in her donating one of her kidneys to a critically ill stranger. 30岁的ErinTaylor是加拿大埃德蒙顿市的一位护士,受该剧中一个故事的启发,加入了国家器官捐献计划行动,把自己的一颗肾脏无偿捐献给了一位严重病患。
Although Stevens turned out to be less than a perfect kidney match for Brucia, Stevens donated her organ to an out-of-state stranger so that Brucia could move up on the organ donor list. 尽管史蒂文斯的肾对布鲁西亚而言并不是最佳匹配,但史蒂文斯将她的肾捐给一个外州的陌生人,这样布鲁西亚可以在器官捐赠名单上排位靠前。
I'm now officially an organ donor. 我现在是正式的器官捐赠者了。
People lean forward to move forward, lean back to reverse course, and turn by twisting the handle. an operation moving an organ from one person ( the donor) to another ( the recipient). 使用者身体前倾车就向前走,身体后仰车就向后退,转动车把车就转弯。把身体器官从捐献者向接收者转移的手术。
For this reason, compared with internation, there is a sizeable gap in the survival rate of organ transplantation and an immense waste in the economy and organ donor. 使国内器官移植生存率与国际相比有相当大差距,并在经济上及器官来源等各方面都造成了巨大浪费。
"I am living proof that people can make a difference by becoming an organ donor," she said. 我就是一个活生生的证据&人们能够通过捐赠器官而使世界有所不同。
It will simply require the DMV to ask you if you'd like to become an organ donor. 它会要求DMV(机动车辆管理部)询问你是否愿意成为器官捐献者。
They were given islet cells from the pancreas of a dead organ donor. 他们被移植了死亡的器官捐献者的胰脏细胞。
His wife signed an organ donor card. 他妻子签过一份器官捐赠卡。
LONDON ( Reuters) Jul17-Everyone should be treated as a potential organ donor unless they explicitly ask to opt out of the system, the chief medical officer said on Tuesday. 7月17日路透社伦敦报道&首席卫生官员周二声称:每个人都应当是潜在的器官捐献者除非他们明确要求被排除在该体系之外。
Living renal donation is an effective means to expand the organ donor pool. 亲属活体捐献肾脏是扩大供肾来源的有效手段。
"It's easy to sign up and say you are an organ donor," Whitman said. “这很容易注册并说你是器官捐赠者,”惠特曼说。
And she was an organ donor. 而且她是个器官捐献者。
But don't wait till the last minute to fill out those organ donor cards. 但是别等到最后一分钟再填哪些器官捐献卡。
If you are 18 years or older, you can show you want to be an organ and tissue donor by signing a donor card. 年满18周岁,就可以签署捐赠书,这样表明你愿意捐献器官或者组织。
Dear new drivers, will you be an organ donor? 公民在申领驾照时将进行器官捐献意愿登记。
Kuo: Basically, I am in favor of organ donation, but I also respect the donor's right to know and consent to his or her organs being donated. 郭:基本上,我赞成器官捐赠,但我也重视器官捐赠者本身同意器官捐赠的一个「知」的权利。
I see you're an organ donor. 原来你是一位器官捐赠人。
Conclusion: Preoperative administration of donor apoptotic cells not only actively inhibited MLR, but also prolonged graft survival. It is probably a feasible method to induce organ transplantation immune tolerance by donor apoptotic cells. 结论:凋亡细胞能主动抑制受者淋巴细胞活性,延长同种移植物存活时间,利用凋亡细胞诱导器官移植免疫耐受是一条可行的途径。
Transmission of hepatitis C virus to several organ and tissue recipients from an antibody-negative donor 丙型肝炎病毒经抗体阴性供体向器官和组织受体传播
The organ from donor, especially the living donor, and selection of recipient are restricted by social morality. 供体,特别是活体器官的摘取,受体的选择等,都受到社会道德观的制约。
Pigs are considered as ideal organ donor for human future xenotransplantation. 猪是人异种器官移植理想的器官来源。
But, the increasing shortage of the human organ transplantation donor has become the key factor of limiting organ transplantation, many patients lost the chances of survival with no promptly liver transplantation. 但是,人类同种器官移植供体的日益短缺已经成为限制器官移植的关键因素,许多患者因得不到及时的肝移植手术而丧失存活机会。
The artificial cells were developed by combination of immunoisolation and cell transplantation. It can resolve the two problems of organ transplantation ― limited donor source and immunological rejection. 人工细胞是免疫隔离技术与细胞移植技术相结合的产物,它能解决组织器官移植中存在的两大难题&供体来源稀缺和机体免疫排斥反应。
How to establish the donor specific transplantation tolerance is the key step in the organ transplantation. The donor specific transplantation tolerance is used to avoid the problems which are caused by using immunosuppressant for life long. 如何建立供体特异性的移植免疫耐受,从而避免因长期使用免疫抑制药物而产生的问题,在器官移植领域的研究中倍受关注。
The precondition of the organ transplant is the suitable donor organs. The donor hearts almost come from brain death donors, so the research of the brain death heart donor is gradually become the hot topic recently. 器官移植的先决条件是有合适的供体器官来源,心脏供体大部分来源于脑死亡的个体,因此脑死亡心脏供体的研究成为近年来的热门课题。
Organ integration and relationship to the donor have an impact on serum creatinine level, admission times, complications and pulmonary infection. 2. 心理整合、与供者关系与患者的血清肌酐水平、住院次数、近期并发症和肺部感染存在相关。